Alliance between Espacios Abiertos and INE


In order for the information on the Credit for Work incentives (Earned Income Tax Credit or EITC) and the Credit for a dependent minor ''Child Tax Credit'' to reach our communities, the Instituto Nueva Escuela (INE) collaborates with Espacios Abiertos (EA) and the Observatorio de Equidad de Genero (OEG) to disseminate the information. 

The credit for work is money received by a person who works, who earns less than $44,000 and who meets certain requirements at the time of filing his return. You can calculate through the Espacios Abiertos how much the aid could be based on your income and dependents. 

In the case of the credit for dependent minors, it is a relief of $3,600 for each minor dependent. This incentive must be requested from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), which requires filling out the federal return. 

We want our communities to be aware of the help that exists and is accessible to them. INE has a commitment to our families and children so that they have a better quality of life in the midst of a child poverty rate of 57% in Puerto Rico. 

Benefits of this alliance:

  • That they are informed.

  • Get benefit from the aid provided by the government

  • They can get this information to share with family, friends and acquaintances. 

  • Know how we are as a people in the face of important issues such as the economy 

The credit for work directly favors low-income families. 

''We are talking about more than 2.6 billion in relief for people's pockets. It is critical that the population know and apply for both credits as soon as possible,'' said the executive director of Espacios Abiertos, Cecille Blondet.

Credit for work has been proven to reduce poverty, encourage work and increase the labor force. 

These incentives existed on the island from 2007 to 2013, but the fiscal crisis caused them to be canceled for Puerto Rico and it is not until 2018 that they are restored with a change for 2021, where those who work on their own and young people from 19 to 26 years old can apply for help. 

It is important to share that in the case of the credit for dependent minors, also known as ''Child Tax Credit'', those responsible for minors can request help. By this we mean that if the person in charge of a minor is a grandfather, grandmother, uncle or aunt, since they are the ones in charge of the minor they can request help. 

The deadline to request the incentives is April 18, 2022.  

Members of the collective, assistants and the Casa Familiar personnel were invited to participate in an online survey on economic security and the incentives that exist to improve the quality of life of families in Puerto Rico. This survey was carried out by the OEG, under the sponsorship of EA and the collaboration of the INE. 

When responding to the questionnaire for the first time, participants will be invited to complete a second questionnaire between the months of April and May 2022. 

The main purpose of the survey is to collect information and examine trends in the responses of the participants regarding economic security and the incentives that exist to improve the quality of life of families in Puerto Rico. The survey contains questions related to your sociodemographic information, economic security and the process of filing returns and about the aforementioned credits.

For more information, we invite you to visit

Xavier Rivera