The Montessori Community School Project celebrates its achievements after one year

The purpose of the Montessori Community School project is to strengthen the community school model. Currently, 17 Montessori public schools are part of this project, which brings initiatives to the school that guide school transformation. 

This transformation is achieved by enriching the curriculum to achieve academic improvement, enriching and extending school time through projects and activities, integrating support services to meet the biopsychosocial needs of students and families, and strengthening leadership and participation practices of members of the school community.

To drive this transformation, School Transformation Facilitators (STF) arrive at school communities to identify needs and establish projects.

Since its inception it has achieved: 

Hold 10 community meetings to build the dream of your school.


They have shared information about the academic program, making the information on the courses more accessible to the community.


The STF have established relationships, collaborations, and alliances with organizations, municipalities, agencies, universities, businesses, and members of the community. This has resulted in the implementation of 4H clubs (Antonio Paoli), sports clinics (Jaime C. Rodríguez), garden and planting projects (Juana Rosario, Luis Muñoz Rivera II), Montessori summer camps (Alejandro Tapia y Rivera–Talleres of Marine Sciences and Environmental Photojournalism), workshops for families, health fairs, among other initiatives and activities in schools.


Three project schools were approved for Montessori summer camps under the DE Recreational Summer. During the summer, students from the Inocencio Cintrón Zayas, Antonio Paoli, and Jaime C. Rodríguez schools have the opportunity of a fun summer with academic reinforcement and activities aimed at connecting with nature, in harmony with the Montessori philosophy and methodology.

Family committees have been built in schools, part of the structure of collective work and shared governance.


They have contributed to the creation of the creed of healthy coexistence in the school, codes of honor that establish the standards of coexistence within the school and how each one deserves and wants to be treated. 


Volunteer projects have been carried out with members of the geographic community, and INE allies such as Banco Popular and Home Depot.

Xavier Rivera